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A Healthy Colon for a Long, Quality Life


Updated: Feb 1, 2023

I recently lost someone close to Colon Cancer. She was youthful, intelligent, vibrant and ready for any challenge that came her way. She struggled quietly with colon cancer. I say quietly because she kept it to herself with the fear of having a Sh-t talk with her friends. She went along her day-to-day life with the hope that it would just disappear. It didn’t but instead it made her vanish from the face of the earth; leaving us behind to battle with the question “Why?”

What could I have done to assist her in preventing such an unspoken disease?

What could I have done to assist her in better managing her day to day challenges?

In reflection…..Nothing because she did not have “the sh-t talk” with me. Because of the quick defeat that my friend experienced, I feel compelled to share some insightful tips with my readers. Tips that can help to lessen the fall from Colon Cancer. Cancer does not seem to discriminate and as a health provider and educator, I am taking this moment to share some advice with you.

At the beginning of each year, individuals fall into the trap of making public vows and resolutions that they never follow through with. I hope that you are not one of them. I made a vow to regularly share my knowledge and insights with you throughout the year. I publish a podcast and blog on regular basis on the issues of health and wellness. I lecture regularly on the importance of self-care I share information and learnings that I’ve acquired throughout my adult professional life with the hope that the readers and listeners will be enlightened; with the hope that you will apply such learnings to your everyday existence.

Today, I will share some common tips that can allow you to have a healthy colon and ultimately a higher-quality life leading to longevity. Let’s get straight to the points. Take from them what you wish but I hope that you can absorb it all and protect yourself from my friend’s demise.


Follow a diet high in fibre

Drink! drink! Drink! - not alcohol but plenty of clean water

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetable daily

If you are a meat eater, let it be Non-Red as much as possible

Supplements such as Calcium, Vitamin D, folic acid can all be found in foods

Move your body regularly to expel toxins from your colon… walk, swim, dance, run etc.

Decrease your stress levels

Pay attention to your mental health

Remember the probiotics

Your total health and wellbeing is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the health providers. Pay attention!

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